MNT2LEARN Leadership Primer Shondra Rhimes

My Year of Saying Yes to Everything - Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes is a writer, producer, and television icon. She is the creative genius behind shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder. Her first book, Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person, was released in 2015.

Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be
— Shondra Rhimes


It is hard to believe that someone as successful as Shonda Rhimes would be afraid to do anything, but in her TED Talk, she shares the difference that saying yes instead of no meant in her life. 

Have you ever allowed fear to keep you from accepting a professional or personal challenge? 

How can you turn no into yes and take responsible risks? 

Shondra describes the ”hum” she felt when in the zone at work. Have you experienced that in your professional life? 

What creates that “hum” for you in your current role?

Shondra shares that over time she lost the “hum” professionally, even though she was continuing to have phenomenal success in her career. Has this happened to you? 

If yes, what have you done to counter this loss?  If no, how do you keep it going, especially as expectations increase?

Most impactful for Shondra was saying yes to her daughters when they asked to play, even though she candidly admits she doesn’t love “playing”. Can you relate to this? 

The experience of saying yes to her daughters allowed her to find joy and create space to glean a fresh perspective on herself, her identity and what matters most.  

Shondra communicates how she learned that the hum now is about joy, electricity, and peace. And the work hum is only a small part of her larger self. She says that “work doesn’t work without play.” 

How do you make time for play in your life? What can you do to commit to saying yes to everything?

Additional reading